Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Death of Whitney Houston


I know I haven't blogged for a really long time! I have been busy with work taking on new projects & just trying to make 2012 a really good year. There has been so much I have been wanting to blog about but just haven't had the time. Since it's Valentine's Day I wanted to wish everyone a very loved day. What prompted me to really blog today is the death of Whitney Houston. Shocking is just an understatement for what was felt by fans & loved ones everywhere. We lost another one way to soon. Her talent was unspeakable she set the bar so high with her vocal capabilities that being compared to her was nothing less then an honor. Her songs give you goosebumps every time you hear them. It was like an angel was present & touched you. She captured your attention and demanded it with every note that was sung with her amazing voice. Although she might be gone today her legacy will live on. No one can take away her talent or undermine the amazing music she delivered to us. Yes, Whitney had issues within her life but don't we all whether it is drugs or financial issues we all have problems. Her problems were public, how would you like your problems being broadcasted to the world everyday. When your a celebrity nothing is a secret. Look at your life and the secrets that you have imagine them being talked about by your neighbors & complete strangers. Imagine walking out the door & being harassed. How would you like to be that person? No one can walk in your shoes but you. So judging someone is not our job. No one can deny that Whitney did not have the best influences in her life she made mistakes. Drinking alcohol & doing drugs are ways of masking feelings you don't want to feel. I have been reading articles & listening to people talk about self destruction & it saddens me because she needed help. Anyone around her should have known and helped her. We all need help at times with the right people in our lives we can get through anything. Shame on the people around her probably collecting checks & not being true to her by telling her the truth. Every time she picked up a drink someone should have been there to put that drink down & not been drinking with her. Every doctor that was giving her drugs should have stopped that writing of the prescription. Anyone with their right minds knew that Whitney had a problem but was fearful for whatever reason to tell her the truth & help her. I hope this teaches all a lesson to love more even if you feel like you are hurting someone with the right intentions loving someone when there at their worst is the best love you can give. I pray for her mother because no one should ever have to bury their own child. I pray for her daughter because it must feel like she lost a piece of herself. I hope she learns from her mother's mistakes and carries her mothers legacy to another level. I pray that we all find peace in knowing she is with our creator. Another guardian angel is above us. GOD BLESS           

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